Top 10 African Countries African Americans are Moving To Live

The Future is Africa, is a Cliché that is becoming very true every year. African Americans are slowly but surely trickling to the motherland due to various but mostly racial based discrimination that’s taking place in the United States. For African Americans migrating to Country where the majority of the people are Black and you don’t Stand out because of the Color of your skin is a welcome relief.

On this list we outline the most Popular Landing Counties and the best Attributes leading to the migration. This Countries offer a new start plus emerging Opportunities from the Continent. We also did an Article on the Top 7 Cities, Culture, Opportunities, Pro and Cons for African Americans in Africa using different parameters.


Political Stability

Ghana is one of Africa’s most Stable and democratic Nation, which initiated the The Returnees Campaign which was to Re-Unite African Americans with the motherland. Ghana is the the Poster Country for the Returnees in Africa and many other West African Countries are catching up and investing in Campaigns to get a share of the Pie. In return the Ghana promotes Tourism as well as investments from the Returnees.


Very Safe Country, Crime index position as Moderate. There’s of no City that doesn’t have Petty Crime but for most Americans quite safe as Compared to most American Cities or Suburbs.


Rich African Culture which AA’s in a Country with direct Slavery linkage to African American, Ghana is very Cultural Country from their dressing to dances to rich African Museums.

From different reviews the Best authentic African food. From Fufu to Jollof Rice prepare for sensory overload.

Wache Ghanaian Food Wikipedia

American Community/Ease Of Citizenship

Probably the biggest African American community in Africa which means you can be able commute/share with like minded African Americans. Its also means you can do your do your research and get a feel of what to expect before you go there from someone who understands your perspective clearly.

As Architects of the Returnees very Friendly Citizenship processes and ease of acquiring dual Citizenship.

Direct Flights

Direct flights from the States to Accra without having overlays make its very convenient to move back and the States.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

Ghana Quality of Life Index Position 0. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better) 05.74
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)14.85
Safety Index (Higher is better)53.29
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)29.94
Health Care Index (Higher is better)59.84

2.The Gambia

Cost Of Living

You can really stretch your dollar to the max ,typical you can Rent a house by the Beach for around $400.The Gambia has seen a lot African American influx mainly due the Cheap cost of living.

land Ownership

Generally land Ownership in the West African is much easier, as compared to rest of Africa, many African Americans especially women have bought Land and built their own houses at a fraction of what would cost in the United States.

Opportunities/Under Developed Sectors

The Gambia offers a lot of opportunities for entrepreneurship or community based developments from skills from someone coming from a developed Country. What might seem like undeveloped Country are actually opportunities especially if you can source for Capital from the States.

Dancing and Singing, The Gambia. Wikipedia

Deep and Colorful Culture/The People

Gambians are very colorful nation ,they have a deep African Culture shared through their Dances and communal activities. The food is typical West African very spicy. The people are very welcoming and are a bit laid back with a chill attitude that is common most African Countries.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

The Gambia Quality of Life Index Position 0. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better) Not Enough Data?
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)7.39
Safety Index (Higher is better)45.49
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)27.61
Health Care Index (Higher is better)66.67

3.Sierra Leone

Cost Of Living


One of the Country which offers Dual Citizenship if your DNA points to origins from Sierra Leone.



Ease Of Citizenship


Opportunities/land Ownership

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

Sierra Leone Quality of Life Index Position 0. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better) Not much Data?
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better) Not much Data?
Safety Index (Higher is better)32.90
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better) Not much Data?
Health Care Index (Higher is better)32.90


Cost Of Living

One of the best Country where you can really stretch your dollar. With an average Cost $456 for cost of Living for Housing in Dar is also quite affordable compared to West African Countries generally.

Political Stability

Tanzania is one of the few African Country which has never experienced political instability since gaining independence. The Country has Socialist Background or Ujamaa(Community Based).

African American Community

Has a growing African American Community which was accelerated during the Corvid-19 Pandemic as Tanzania was one of the few Countries that did not Close it borders thus African Americans Flocked to Tanzania instead of West African as planned.

African Community Based Upbringing

For African with families, Tanzania is perfect as the Community take part in upbringing of the children. Everyone says hallo to everyone and generally the community is usually aware of their neighbors and partake in community upbringings.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

Tanzania Quality of Life Index Position 0. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better)25.11
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)15.94
Safety Index (Higher is better)44.21
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)30.81
Health Care Index (Higher is better)36.62


Cost Of Living

One of the Lowest in Africa only surpassed by The Gambia and Tanzania on this list. Kampala its capital is fairly cheap City and you can get very high end Apartment at 1/3 of equivalent American Price.


A Country that has a wide range of natural African foods and voted as one of the Healthiest nations in the world. Uganda is a fruit galore and is paradise for the Healthy food conscience minded African Americans.

American Expat Communities

There’s a sizable number of African Americans to connect and network as you plan to relocate.

Opportunities in Agribiz/Hotel Business

There are amazing opportunities for setting up business which not as Cut throat as compared to west African countries or Kenya.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

Uganda Quality of Life Index Position 0. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better)69.54
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)10.77
Safety Index (Higher is better)44.41
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)30.43
Health Care Index (Higher is better)47.52


Modern Amenities

If you are looking for a Country with all the comforts you are accustomed to Kenya is the Best choice by far. With an ever improving infrastructure, Nairobi the Capital of Kenya it has all modern amenities but still retains a Vibe that does not feel too western as well. There are still all the hallmarks associated with an African City Vibe.

Big Expat Community/American Community

Nairobi has very big expat Community and its a melting pot for many Cultures. Nairobi does host many United Nations Organizations and African headquarters for numerous Tech companies thus there’s a lot different races.

You can get a lot of advice of how to navigate from the large American community that is very active on social media. There are Facebook/WhatsApp group for American that deals with their issues.


Kenya is known for its Safari but offers more than that, from Deserts in the North, Mountains in the Central Region, Beaches at the Coast line with Mombasa being one the best Beach digital nomad destinations in Africa, Lakes on the Western Front. Kenya offers an unmatched outdoor experiences and all a drive away/Flight from the Capital city of Nairobi.

Tech Hub/Digital Nomad Hub

Kenya is a Tech forward Country with the highest internet Penetration in Africa. There are numerous innovation hubs plus many Co-working spaces in different Cities in Kenya. Kenya and in particular Nairobi has the second highest number of Startups plus second in total amount of dollars invested in the Start ups.

Internet is fairly Stable and reliable for the digital nomads , a poll in 2019 reported generally that Kenya had faster internet than U.S.A.

Ease Of Setting up Business

Relative Ease of setting up a Business processes and a Government which is incentivizing foreign investment as a priority and aligning and modernizing Visa requirements for foreigners in Kenya.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

Kenya Quality of Life Index Position 4. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better)92.54
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)32.18
Safety Index (Higher is better)43.89
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)33.92
Health Care Index (Higher is better)63.40

7.South Africa


South Africa has a 1st World Class infrastructure comparable to any western Country. If you are looking for an African Country with all the modern amenities then South Africa should be on top of the list.

Efficient Systems

The Government Systems and processes work efficiently which cannot be said for most African Country. This also includes transport system around the Country.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

South Africa Quality of Life Index Position 1. in Africa

Quality of life Index (Higher is better)136.02
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)78.36
Safety Index (Higher is better)24.62
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)42.09
Health Care Index (Higher is better)63.97

Fun Activities

South African s one of the most visited African Countries and for a good reason, there area tons of Activities from Safari destinations to the Beaches to Desert. South Africa is one of the most diverse and most beautiful Countries in the world.


Cleanest/Safest City

Kigali is one of the most Safest and Cleanest Cities in the World. Rwanda demonstrates what the potential of African Countries of good governance can turn one of the worst human atrocities to a World class Country in less than 20 years.


The Singapore of Africa has taken leaps and bounds on the Infrastructure undertaken by the Government. Expect world class roads and facilities, one of the most common references when referring to Rwanda is the best Country for Retirees as the system work.

Efficient Systems

As stated above one of the least corrupt Countries and the systems and law of order prevails. The Transport systems work smoothly and there’s no chaotic hustle associated with most African Cities.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

Rwanda Quality of Life Index Position 0. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better) Not Enough Data?
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)25.27
Safety Index (Higher is better)74.01
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)31.13
Health Care Index (Higher is better)70.19


Democracy/Government Systems

One of the most democratic Countries in Africa and the systems of the Country function as they should. It has one of the Lowest Corruption levels in Africa As well.


Botswana is a very Clean and safe Country only bested on this list by Rwanda.

Investment Opportunites

The is Eager for investments and with good systems and governance setting up your business is much and devoid of bureaucracy.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

Ivory Coast Quality of Life Index Position 0. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better) 65.43
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)59.53
Safety Index (Higher is better)46.30
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)37.27
Health Care Index (Higher is better)60.17


Organized & Developed

Very clean and organized Country which is often very underrated in terms of Best African Cities.

Diverse Culture

There are Ethnic Groups and many immigrants from other Countries.

The Table below shares a General Quality of Life Index from NUMBEO a statistics Data Company.

Namibia Quality of Life Index Position 0. in Africa.

Quality of life Index (Higher is better) Not Enough Data?
Purchasing Power Index (Higher is better)49.46
Safety Index (Higher is better)35.03
Cost of Living Index (Lower is better)37.36
Health Care Index (Higher is better)61.78

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